A downloadable The Dark Mine

"The Dark Mine" is a mobile puzzle game with gamemodes where you play as a robot called TORCER who has to collect 3 lightbulbs in every level. Your main mechanic is the ability to switch the gravity of objects. As far as gamemodes go: They are a gamechanger, literally! For example there is a gamemode where TORCER is at the ceiling instead of the floor forcing you to completely rethink all previously done levels!

You are in a dark mine, no humans or other robots, it's just you TORCER. There are 10 levels to explore and the main mechanics are:

  • Gravity Shifting: Manipulate gravity to overcome obstacles.
  • Lightbulbs: Collect lightbulbs to illuminate the dark mine and progress through levels.
  • Timer: The lightbulbs can overheat so you have to be fast to collect them.
  • Gamemodes: I already talked about it, they change your perspective of the game completely, some gamemodes are even stackable meaning you can have SOO many possible new experiences!

As mentioned you can play with TORCER at the ceiling, or explore a ghost world or maybe meet TORCERs evil twin? All of that is possible with the gamemodes in The Dark Mine! But they come at a cost... YOUR TIME (if you are a playtester, otherwise the finished product will have in app purchases but at reasonable prices and I will make sure to also giveaway some gamemodes at times so you should join The Dark Mine discord). Oh and did I mention there are absolutely NO ADS in the whole game? That's right no more of these low quality mobile games, no more of those really annoying low quality ads (you know exactly what I'm talking about).

If you LOVE this you could maybe read my devlogs and join the discord. I should also mention that Whale Intelligence is NOT Epic Games. The community is KING and can decide on decision on the game (in the discord). So what are you waiting for don't just read this BE PART OF THE DEVELOPMENT!

The Dark Mine will be finished this year and will be released for Android and IOS. If you have any questions don't hesitate to contact us.

Development log